
Trip # 1 Part 2

I've been extremly busy lately that I haven't really had time to finish the rest of my trip but if I don't do it now....I will never find time to....so here I go.

Let's see where I've left off.....
Ok....anyways....LeShan was pretty kool with the Big O Buddha and all but it was really tiring caz of the whole claming up and down....by the time we got back up to the top....I was exausted!!! The first thing I did was that I went and bought me a good old fasion COKE! Anywayz...we found our tour guide and he instructed us to this little hidden place where they have these very special tea.(very expansive too)

Here is a pic of my Coke next to our teas.

Tea is very popular in China and especially around here. There are soooo many different kind of tea and who knows how many ways of making it. One of the most popular activity here is drink tea. People actually gather and share the taste of the tea and they do this as an enjoyment and for relaxation. These teas are nothing like the ones you've tasted in the US chinese restaurants. It tastes so much better and you will find it quite unique if you learn to like it.

Here is a pic of my cup of tea!

After our tea time, we headed over to our hotel....which was ok for the price that we paid for....I can pretty much sleep anywhere so it wasn't a big deal to me. We settled in very quickly and headed out for dinner. Food was once again....ok....for the price we paid for....lol....n e wayz we ate pretty fast caz we didn't want to miss the show.

This show is called "The Sound of Emei" which consisted a serious of tricks, martial arts, hand shadow, puppets, and a very famous trick called "Face Off". I recorded this on video and if you have time, hit me and and I'll show it to you. Overall it was a really good show, I really enjoyed it and had an embarrasing but yet interesting moment

Here are some pics I took from the show but it doesn't even show half of what was in the show because there was just so many different performance....so I have most of it on video.

Ok....I'm going to have to call it a day for now....I still have another part to this trip that I'd like to share.... but I've been working for the past 24 hours in the last 28 hours.....and I can hardly keep my eyes opened....see yall later when I feel better....


Jessica Torres said...

Howard...get some sleep! Note to self: take Jessica on your next trip (but she refuses to drink that tea...looks leafy!)

Anonymous said...

uh....you don't drink the tea leaf...

Bibi said...

Hey what was the embarrasing thing that happened?????

Anonymous said...

That I was embarraed...that's what happened...

~CiNdY~ said...

Hey howard!!!
Those are some great picuters.. I bet you I can try to do one of those tricks.... LOL I said try!!! hahahaha dont want to break my back.. and lets not forget that I am out of shape.
Ohhh and I think I would have passed out climbing up those steps to get to the top of the budah!! Man did that look like a long way up!!!!

The tea doesnt look nasty, I would drink it if it didnt have have all those leafs in it.. I think i would have to drain it or something.... LOL

Ohh and you need to get some SLEEP!!! You are going to have an overload!! Gosh howie...
k talk to ya soon!!

Jessica Torres said...

howard...you drank coke! i bet THAT reminded you of me!

Anonymous said...