
Addictions are bad.....because the Bible tells me so...

This post is dedicated to Jessica. To answer her comment in my "Dedication Post" to my puppies, I finally found something that reminds me of her.

She is a Grey's Addictomy....


Jessica Torres said...

Hahahahaha...my season two looks better than that. Why does Izzy look all crazy on that cover?
Love you Howard!

Bibi said...

Hey do you watch tv over there?

Anonymous said...

Oh and this is not season 2....it's all of season 1-3 sucka!

Anonymous said...

Yes bibi...I watch the channel where the fish swim all day and wonder....why can't I change the channel...

Bibi said...

Are you being serious?!?!?

Anonymous said...

that would be called a fish tank in america...