
No "Goodbyes" just "See you soon"

This is my first blog and I want to dedicate it to my daughters and everyone that went to the airport with me. Thank you all so much for that, it really touched me and meant a lot to me. Like I've told Baby Val, "I won't say goodbye, but I will say see you soon!". I'm very excited about this trip and I ask for all of you to keep me in your prayers in the next 3 months that i'm here. I will try to keep in touch with you guys as much as possible but don't feel bad if I didn't get a chance to. Ok... I have to get back to work so bye for now....

p.s. As you all know i hate blogs and by posting here it is in no way am I accepting the "BLOGaddicts" but only to update my close ones with my trip here in China. So I will try to post as often as possible ABOUT my trip and nothing else.

1 comment:

Jessica Torres said...

I am glad you are blogging!!!! Your blog looks like you :)