All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust him
In his presence daily live
I surrender all,
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at his feet I bow
Worldly pleasures all forsaken
Take me, Jesus, Take me now
I surrender all,
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
I never realized how beautiful the lyrics are until now. How awesome it is to be able to surrender our all to Jesus? Why is it so hard for us to do so? Why is it that some times we let worldy pleasure or our selfish desiers take over our will instead of surrendering it all to Jesus?
Lord, I want to be able surrender my all to You! To ever love and trust You with my all! Please give me the wisdom and strength to do so! Amen!