Now who in the world would do that just because? I don't know about others...but world w/o music is like....worst than hell....ok maybe not....but's horriable having to live a month w/o iPod was on almost 99% of the times that I'm awake while I was in was the only thing that kept me alive....ok maybe not....God was the one that kept me alive....but is VERY important.
Self Abusers....
This past weekend, German mentioned that he's on a anti-iPod strike with his iPod or something.....he told himself that he would not listen to his iPod for a month....and for what? Just because....
Friendship VS Love....
Here is a cute V-day joke I came across!
One day Friendship and Love met. Love asked, "Why do you exists when I am here?", friendship answered, " I am here to leave smiles where u leave tears."
Have a wonderful and safe V-day tomorrow peepz!!!
One day Friendship and Love met. Love asked, "Why do you exists when I am here?", friendship answered, " I am here to leave smiles where u leave tears."
Have a wonderful and safe V-day tomorrow peepz!!!
Go go go go go Bibi~ It's your b-day~~
This post is dedicated to my friend Bibi Bracy! Shes a meat hater that eats cheese....but besides that...she's a wonderful friend! I'm so glad God blessed me with such a good friend!

A pic of Bibi in her homeless days.....

A pic of Bibi in her homeless days.....
S.A.D. Day....
Since it's getting close to S.A.D. Day (Single Awareness Day), I guess it's appropriate to write a bit about it.
Although it's a lame day made up by bunch of losers such as myself but I really like it! It reminds me to focus and not settle for whoever I can find. Of course it would be nice to have a special someone, but being single is actually pretty nice least for!
I really hope my first will be my last and not have to waste bunch of my time dating, finding, or chasing after someone. Knowing that God has someone for me really puts me in a lot of ease and I'm willing to wait for the one. This person could be someone around me that I already know or it could be someone that I will meet in the future but I know that God has His timing.
Many has asked of what I look for in the one....well....I never really talked much about it....but I will make a one time exception.....
Just so you know, I'm not a picky person but there are certain things that is a MUST.
- Must love God more than she would ever love me.
- Must love me for most of who I am. (Minor things that you don't like about me, we can always work it out....)
- Must love kids.
- Must have a sense of humor and can take jokes.
- Must get along with my friends.
- Must have respect for self and others.
- Must be some what independent. (I'm not with you to be your slave...)
- Must not be full of drama. (a little of it is inevitable, but too much is just not for me....)
- Must not be high maintenance. (Please don't ask me for electricity/shower/toilet on a survival trip....)
- Must not be materialistic. (If you're only in it for the money or material stuff....nice try....)
- Must not be a power tripper.
- Must not be stubborn or unreasonable
- Must not get jealous easily. (Don't be a hater...)
OPTIONAL (Preferred, but not a must)
- Likes to travel (I love traveling! It would be nice if you would come along...)
- Likes music
- Likes animals
- Likes out door activities
- Likes Disneyland/Disney World (This should actually be a MUST...but I'll live with it if you don't)
- Knows a second language (Not that important...but would be nice!)
- Serves in church. (Doesn't really have to be church...but just serving God overall....)
- Clean and organize. (I'm a mess when I get busy so need a little balance there...)
DOESN'T MATTER (I don't really care....)
- Age (My parents were 8 years apart and they still had a wonderful marriage)
- Height (Although I don't really care...but if you're going to be taller...try to stay within 6"-12"...)
- Weight (Hopefully not more than me...caz i'm pretty heavy already...)
- Skin color
- Race
- Eating habits (Just don't leave me starving or have some really weird eating habits)
- Work or stay home mom (If you do want to work, at least put family first....)
Thats all I have time to list for now....maybe I'll have a more updated list later....but yea...I'm willing to wait for the right one to come along with God's timing and confirmation. Just like in Genesis 29, how Jacob was willing to wait 7 years and one week for Rachel....I too will wait. (I might or might not have to wait for 7 years....but you get the point...)
Are you waiting to wait?

Although it's a lame day made up by bunch of losers such as myself but I really like it! It reminds me to focus and not settle for whoever I can find. Of course it would be nice to have a special someone, but being single is actually pretty nice least for!
I really hope my first will be my last and not have to waste bunch of my time dating, finding, or chasing after someone. Knowing that God has someone for me really puts me in a lot of ease and I'm willing to wait for the one. This person could be someone around me that I already know or it could be someone that I will meet in the future but I know that God has His timing.
Many has asked of what I look for in the one....well....I never really talked much about it....but I will make a one time exception.....
Just so you know, I'm not a picky person but there are certain things that is a MUST.
- Must love God more than she would ever love me.
- Must love me for most of who I am. (Minor things that you don't like about me, we can always work it out....)
- Must love kids.
- Must have a sense of humor and can take jokes.
- Must get along with my friends.
- Must have respect for self and others.
- Must be some what independent. (I'm not with you to be your slave...)
- Must not be full of drama. (a little of it is inevitable, but too much is just not for me....)
- Must not be high maintenance. (Please don't ask me for electricity/shower/toilet on a survival trip....)
- Must not be materialistic. (If you're only in it for the money or material stuff....nice try....)
- Must not be a power tripper.
- Must not be stubborn or unreasonable
- Must not get jealous easily. (Don't be a hater...)
OPTIONAL (Preferred, but not a must)
- Likes to travel (I love traveling! It would be nice if you would come along...)
- Likes music
- Likes animals
- Likes out door activities
- Likes Disneyland/Disney World (This should actually be a MUST...but I'll live with it if you don't)
- Knows a second language (Not that important...but would be nice!)
- Serves in church. (Doesn't really have to be church...but just serving God overall....)
- Clean and organize. (I'm a mess when I get busy so need a little balance there...)
DOESN'T MATTER (I don't really care....)
- Age (My parents were 8 years apart and they still had a wonderful marriage)
- Height (Although I don't really care...but if you're going to be taller...try to stay within 6"-12"...)
- Weight (Hopefully not more than me...caz i'm pretty heavy already...)
- Skin color
- Race
- Eating habits (Just don't leave me starving or have some really weird eating habits)
- Work or stay home mom (If you do want to work, at least put family first....)
Thats all I have time to list for now....maybe I'll have a more updated list later....but yea...I'm willing to wait for the right one to come along with God's timing and confirmation. Just like in Genesis 29, how Jacob was willing to wait 7 years and one week for Rachel....I too will wait. (I might or might not have to wait for 7 years....but you get the point...)
Are you waiting to wait?

New word of the week....
Janette and I learned a new word this weekend from Jessica. I didn't even know there was a word to discribe such reaction....
1. to faint; lose consciousness.
2. to enter a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy: The teenagers swooned at the sight of the singing star.
3. a faint or fainting fit; syncope.
1. to faint; lose consciousness.
2. to enter a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy: The teenagers swooned at the sight of the singing star.
3. a faint or fainting fit; syncope.

Forever More...
I came across this amazing song from a album called "Amazing" by the Parachute Band. Isn't that amzing? LOL! This will be my love song to God....
Wanna live my life with You
Wanna give all that I do
Wanna have each day so close to You
And love you more and more
Wanna spend more time with You
Wanna hide confide in You
Wanna laugh and sing and cry with You
And love you more and more.
So I will run until I find You
Where Your arms are open wide
It’s only when I’m near You
I’m safe and whole inside
You’re the only one I treasure
You’re the one that I adore
To be with You forever
And love You more and more
Forever more, I’ll love You more
Wanna live my life with You
Wanna give all that I do
Wanna have each day so close to You
And love you more and more
Wanna spend more time with You
Wanna hide confide in You
Wanna laugh and sing and cry with You
And love you more and more.
So I will run until I find You
Where Your arms are open wide
It’s only when I’m near You
I’m safe and whole inside
You’re the only one I treasure
You’re the one that I adore
To be with You forever
And love You more and more
Forever more, I’ll love You more
I miss my dad....
I just got back from dropping my Dad at the air port and for some reason, I'm already missing him... I started to feel how much this family needs him and how much it sucks w/o him around.... I truly and deeply misses him soooo much.... I don't know what I'm going to do for the next two weeks w/o him...
ps. I wish my daughters would miss me the same....I guess they don't love me as much as I love my val did miss me while i was gone...but now that shes all grown up, she's over it....=(
ps. I wish my daughters would miss me the same....I guess they don't love me as much as I love my val did miss me while i was gone...but now that shes all grown up, she's over it....=(
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