This past weekend was a fun and exciting weekend! I GOT TO SEE SOME GIANT PANDAS! They're the most adorable animal ever! I wish I owned one.....they're much better than having a dog or cat.... but they do eat a lot and needs extensive care....they each cost about $8000-$12000 a year just on food, not to mention all the other medical treatment and what not. If I was filthy rich then I would for sure like to own one!!!!!
Anywayz, let me tell you about my exciting trip!
I woke up around 6:00AM although I only slept for like 3 hours but I was so excited that I didn't care much about the lack of sleep. After I got ready, I took the taxi to my c0-worker Rosalie's pad about 15 mins away. We met up around 8 and took of shortly after we picked up her car from her parent's place.
Here is Rosalie's cute little green mobile!

Since none of us been to this place before, Rosalie's husband busted out his GPS to lead the way....the sad thing is that we still got lost a few! After an hour of searching, bunch of u-turns, and endless back tracking.....we finally arrived to the ChengDu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.
This is a pic of the ticket!

It's a really nice Sunday morning with not a lot of people and great cool weather. These bamboo planted on the side of the road makes you fee like you're in a green tunnel and it really relaxes me.

Most of the people here came with a tour so they have a guide that takes them everywhere.....since we don't....we kinda just wondered around not knowing where to go....but as soon as we saw this sign, we were back in business!

The first kind of panda we saw were these Red Pandas, they are a special kind in the panda family. I think they look more like raccoons.....

After the red pandas, we went to the nursery where they take care of baby pandas.....but since this is barely the mating season, there won't be any baby pandas for another few months...... =(
I took a picture from a picture to show you what baby pandas look like....

Next stop, we saw the most adorable little panda cubs!

Most pandas are pretty lazy.....all they do is eat and sleep all day....this guy below reminds me of myself when I get lazy....

This little fella is my favorite! I named him

He was the only one that would move around to play while everyone else is asleep, but he's lonely
caz he has not friends.....

He is sad
caz he wanted to play on the swing but no one would push him.....
**I would if I could, but I can't so I won' stop saying I'm mean Isabel**

But he's a tough one, he was going to do it on his own.....but it still didn't really work.....

This guy just sits and watch
Buba suffer....chewing on his bamboo like pop corn....

This sign sounds cute in Chinese but the translation sucks....
It should say "Don't feed me, I only like to eat the health meals provided by my mom"

This sign is really don't want to feed these giant pandas....they eat a lot as the way it is....there is no need to feed them more......

Look at how much they eat!!!!

They are so lazy that they would put all the bamboo next to them so they can sit there the whole time when they're eating and never had to get up.....

Here is the whole
familia grubbing breakfast together.......

When I saw the panda family, I thought of my puppy I decided to take a picture with them next to the panda family....
Since I don't have
PhotoShop on my computer.....this is a ghetto version of my puppy family portrait with the pandas.....maybe next time we'll take some real ones with the pandas.....

Here is the real pic I took with Rosalie's husband......

After the pandas are done's time for a nap.....

Here is a funny sign I saw.....since pandas are endangered animals, they're consider one of China's most valuable National Treasure. Apparently....they hate noise....

Today at work....
every time I look at this pic, it cracks me looks like someone is in a panda body suit!!
LOL!!! I was giggling all day and I still can't get over it!

Some say I look like you see the resemblances?

After all, this was a great trip and I really enjoyed
seeing these adorable creatures. However, there was one thing that I really
regraded not doing......I did not get to hold a panda cub or take a picture with one.....
We saw people taking pics with one but we didn't know where they bought the tickets from and they were with the tour, so we figure they wouldn't know caz it's probably included as a part of their tour. People were also mentioning that you could spend $1000RMB to hold a little panda cub and take picture with it. If I knew where, I probably would've done it.....
Since I didn't get to take a pic with one.....I had to use my ghetto
PaintShop to make one for

One of my co-worker mention that she knew people from here and they will let me hold the panda cub for free !!! so I hope to go back again before I leave or come back some other time to visit....I will do it for sure this time....even if I have to pay, it's well worth it!!!